FR: Imaginez un couple dans son petit nid d'amour, ils regardent un film blottit l'un contre l'autre. Imaginez maintenant que l'un d'eux porte un pyjama lapin : et bien c'est moi !
Comme beaucoup le savent je voue une passion passionnée ( oui à ce point) aux lapins. Ces petites boules de poils à la frimousse la plus mignonne du monde me font littéralement craqué. Et il me manquait LE pyjama lapin pour cet hiver. Moi qui adore me faufiler chaque hiver dans de gros pyjamas je n'arrivais pas à trouver ce fameux pyjama lapin. Et je l'es enfin trouver, enfin plutôt mon fabuleux chéri me la trouver. J'ai eu ce magnifique pyjama pour mon anniversaire et depuis je ne peux plus m'en séparer. Il est chaud, doux et tout simplement trop mignon. Quand je le mets plus besoin de plaid pour avoir bien chaud, j'ai juste à me blottir dans les bras de mon chère et tendre et fini d'avoir froid tous les soirs devant notre film.
EN: Imagine a couple in its small love nest, they look at a movie snuggles up the one against the other one. Imagine now that one of them wears a rabbit pajamas : and well it's me!
As many know it I dedicate a passionate passion (yes so) to rabbits. These small balls of fluff in the most cute sweet little face of the world make for me literally torn. And I missed THE rabbit pajamas for this winter. I who adore me basted every winter in big pajamas I didn't manage to find this famous rabbit pajamas. And I have finally find it, finally rather my fabulous loved found it. I had this magnificent pajamas for my birthday and since I cannot any more me separated.It is simply hot, soft and too cute. When I puts it more need for tartan rug to be well hot, I just have to snuggle up in the arms of my dear and soft and finity to be cold everything in evenings in front of our movie.
Pyjama / Pajamas :
As many know it I dedicate a passionate passion (yes so) to rabbits. These small balls of fluff in the most cute sweet little face of the world make for me literally torn. And I missed THE rabbit pajamas for this winter. I who adore me basted every winter in big pajamas I didn't manage to find this famous rabbit pajamas. And I have finally find it, finally rather my fabulous loved found it. I had this magnificent pajamas for my birthday and since I cannot any more me separated.It is simply hot, soft and too cute. When I puts it more need for tartan rug to be well hot, I just have to snuggle up in the arms of my dear and soft and finity to be cold everything in evenings in front of our movie.
Pyjama / Pajamas :
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